Bowlmor Grand Re-Opening: Free Bowling

Spend A Day Bowling At The Bowlmor Times Square Grand Re-Opening Party

222 West 44th Street

Saturday, November 5th, 2016
10:00AM - 1:00PM

Sometimes, you see these segments on TV shows and movies (Will & Grace, The Break-Up) where bowling figures prominently into the fabric of urban social life. But really tho, when was the last time you and your friends had a monthly bowling night, let alone wear matching team shirts? Exactly. But if you're into irony, then you'll have a blast at Bowlmor's Grand Re-Opening. You will get a complimentary game plus shoes, plus a $5 arcade card per person, and other giveaways throughout the event, as well as pub eats and drinks. We say, why not? Bowlmor Grand Re-Opening: Free Bowling RSVP
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