Collecting Art: A Crash Course

Join 85Broads For Cocktails at Norwood & Learn How To Collect Art with This Crash Course

241 West 14th Street

Thursday, August 16th, 2012
6:30PM - 8:30PM

Join Uprise Art and 85 Broads us for an entertaining evening of cocktails, conversation, and art at one of New York City's most exclusive private clubs... As John Waters said, “Contemporary art hates you… and your family!” The art world is notoriously impenetrable and mysterious. This talk provides easy tools for understanding and exploring the art world. - Collecting Art - A Crash Course Guest speaker Jessica Backus gives an overview of the art market and the different players within it. The recent rise of new avenues for finding, buying, and discovering art makes personal collecting more accessible than ever. Uprise Art founder Tze Chun will also provide invaluable tips to help you navigate these changing tides and start your own art collection.
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